Here is the VBScript you can use for the purpose:
Message = "To work correctly, the script will close" & vbCR
Message = Message & "and restart the Windows Explorer shell." & vbCR
Message = Message & "This will not harm your system." & vbCR & vbCR
Message = Message & "Continue?"
X = MsgBox(Message, vbYesNo, "Notice")
If X = 6 Then
On Error Resume Next
On Error Resume Next
Dim WSHShell, n, p, itemtype, MyBox
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
p = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Hidden"
itemtype = "REG_DWORD"
n = WSHShell.RegRead (p)
errnum = Err.Number
if errnum <> 1 then
WSHShell.RegWrite p, 2, itemtype
End If
If n = 2 Then
WshShell.RegWrite p, 1, itemtype
MyBox = MsgBox("Show Hidden Files and Folders are now ENABLED", 64, "Hidden Files and Folders")
End If
If n = 1 Then
WshShell.Regwrite p, 2, itemtype
MyBox = MsgBox("Show Hidden Files and Folders are now DISABLED", 64, "Hidden Files and Folders")
End If
Set WshShell = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
For Each Process in GetObject("winmgmts:"). _
ExecQuery ("select * from Win32_Process where name='explorer.exe'")
MsgBox "Finished." & vbcr & vbcr , 4096, "Done"
MsgBox "No changes were made to your system." & vbcr & vbcr, 4096, "User Cancelled"
End If
P.S.: This script is verified and doesn't contain any harmful piece of script that can harm your system. Be sure to obtain the code from this very web-page, so that you can be sure what you're gonna run on your PC.
Please feel free to use & distribute as long as you retain the Comment in First Line intact with the Script Code.
I will love to hear from you people. So leave your comments for my reviewing. ;)
Thank you all.