An Introduction:
Learn & Share about the Computers and Gadgetry in general with Ronnie.
Hi there, Folks!
About Me:
To know about me, you won't mind to view my personal blog at: [].
I think it will give you a better idea about who am I.
The Idea:
Ronny Depp is here with an idea to put together all the information in one place, about computers, networks & networking, programming and development, software/application development life-cycle, graphic designing for Print and Screen Media, different technologies & any other gadgetry (mobile phones, PDAs, iPhone, iPod and any electronics you can think of), for which he already has knowledge or the new ones he comes across to.
I want this blog as a resource in itself & an Index/Reference Guide to other resources, to be as complete as possible.
You can also contribute to this blog.
What This Blog May Include:
There could be informative/descriptive posts including articles, links, images, videos and other resources for a particular area in consideration.
How You Can Contribute:
You can contribute to this resource by simply posting urls, suggestions, pointing out the mistakes/errors, your opinions/views within the comments.
You can also share with me anything that you might think it should be added, corrected/improved.
If you have got any images, videos, text, etc., then Share with me and the guys out there on the internet, siting behind some screen.
You can write to me directly via my e-Mailbox: ['s%20Techbytes'%20Contributor]
- But do remember to include "Ronnie's Techbytes' Contributor" in the Subject-line of your letter.
This way I will be able to know that this e-Mail is from one of the Ronnie's Techbytes' Contributors.
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This is just a start from me. I will be grateful to you if you can help to improve this blog in any sense.
Thank You!
Ronny Depp
Ronny Depp